Monday, January 28, 2013

(5) Classmate Portraits (Natural Setting)

Dylan making a stupid face.

Close up. Flash on

Slightly smiling. Flash on

Shrubs and bushes in the background.

Not enjoying the spotlight.

Current Event 1/16/13


Every so often I believe Nikon announces an international photo contest. This year, although, Nikon provides that they will be changing things up. Things from changing the name of the contest to adding a photographic video catagory. The contest is open from December 1, 2012 to February 28, 2013. This years contest consists of 4 catagories: A,B,C, and D.

Catagory A:  Single Photo
Catagory B: Photo Story
Catagory C: Photographic Video
Catagory D: Motion Snapshot

This prize for 1st place wins a trophy and Nikon products that are equivalent to 1,000,000 yen. Those who are judging this year include a variety of expert photographs such as, Chris Rainer, Julia Durkin, and WangLei.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

REVIEW: 3 photo storage websites

- In my opinion, photobucket isn't the best site to store photos. I've used it a couple of times but the site offers general options found on most photo storing sites. Although, photobucket does have an advantage of including a free editing program for users, but still has a catch of allowing only premium users to use some of their more unique features. The privacy for the website isn't that great. You can set an album or picture on private, but if the URL is known a users pictures can be downloaded without consent from the owner.

 - Shutterfly is similarly close to photobucket, but to me I believe it's more organized and easy to navigate. The theme, although, is very simple and isn't the most updated as some other sites. Some advantages of using Shutterfly are the access of printing and ordering certain photos and creating your own invitations, momentos, and other family friendly memories. Shutterfly's privacy is better compared to photobucket, as with Shutterfly you can only share pictures by manually sending the link to an album yourself.

- Flickr is similar to photobucket in the way that anybody can search for other users pictures. Some users photos can be set to private or public allowing anyone to view them in their search results. Personally, I have never used Flickr and I am not willing to try it. Something I just learned about Flickr is the option to create your own account and stay in contact with other users. The feature is purposely for the use of getting to know the owners inspiration and learn from their how to's.

Friday, January 18, 2013

(5) Backpacks

Adrian's backpack

Amanda's backpack

Dylan's backpack

Girl who sits in front of me's backpack

My backpack

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Project I: (20) Winter Break

It's a small world puppets

Me and Dylan waiting for the monorail

Donald Duck during the parade

Princess Tiana

Me and Dylan's custom lego people

Happy Holiday snowman

One of the floats during the parade

Native American statues


It's A Small World Holiday Edition

Rainforest Cafe

Sun from It's a small world

Lion King

Mickey Mouse

Pink donut

Princess Cinderella and Belle

Green Mystery donut

Clam chowder

Minnie Mouse Rice Krispie Treat

My Disneyland hat